
 Chair Massage          Thai Mat Massage    
Somatic Touch

Indigo Lotus Thai Massage Logo


Fascia Release
Pre and Post-Natal
Abdominal Massage

Transformational Bodywork by Ruby Ahn  *Reduces Inflammation *Induces Postural Alignment *Eliminates Pain   *Increases Circulation *Rehabilitation for your body, mind and soul
To Be or Knot to Be. That is the question. 

Thai Massage set in standards and preserved by the Tradition of Kings known as Watpo, is an ancient form of massage that is still revered and respected worldwide to this day. Traditional Thai Massage is the ‘connective tissue’ of Ruby’s studied modalities containing underlying tones of Bodymind Acupressure, Shiatsu and Yin Yoga. These skills are knit together to be contained in a beautifully crafted form for a truly multidimensional experience.

Core Yin Yoga elements are letting go of all muscular action, longer holds, and guidance of mindful breathing into areas of restriction. Ruby intuitively uses techniques for unwinding contracted Connective Tissue and Fascia manually. This regulates the Nervous System, increases mobility, enhances postural alignment and range of motion.

Bodymind Acupressure based on The Extraordinary Meridians in TCM and 5 Element of Taoism is integrated. This method is designed to have a psychosomatic effect through holding acupoints for 1+ minutes. This can have a trance-like effect on the mind and body as it is deeply relaxing, and can facilitate emotional release and relieve psychological stress.
These fundamentals offer an additional depth to Traditional Thai Massage where deep, rhythmic pressure is applied on acupoints along the energy lines of the 12 main organ meridians along with joint release techniques and stretches. Ruby sustains precise pressure control to effectively break down scar tissue and muscle knots along the way. The pacing is slow, deep yet gentle.

The goal of Indigo Lotus Thai Massage is to provide long-term goals for optimal physical, emotional, and mental health. Restructuring the body towards effortless postural alignment, releasing long held stagnant emotional energy and inducing a mental reset simultaneously. See immediate results of reduced pain and inflammation! Not only will you feel the difference, but also improvement in muscle tone and skin tone will help you to feel and look your best. Increased circulation ensures that all parts of the body are being nourished with oxygen, nutrients, and lymph fluid, leading to a stronger immune system, being less prone to injuries and so much more. This allows the body to optimize functioning in healing and repair, regulating perpetually a state of homeostasis.

Expect immediate tangible benefits and visible results inside (yin) and out (yang).

Some conditions treated with remarkable relief of pain are:


Thai Mat or Table Massage

Deeply relaxing full body therapeutic treatment. 

Please wear comfortable cotton clothing or exercise wear for your sessions.

Positions may vary from side lying, front lying, or back lying or seated depending on the treatment plan. 

Abdominal massage available on request


Relief for IBS, Menstrual cramps, Constipation, digestive issues and more. Available upon request. 30 minutes Abdominal Massage can be included in 90 mins or 2hr booked sessions.

$120 / 1 hour | $180 / 1.5 hour | $240/ 2 hours

Chair Massage

Great for targeting neck, shoulder, and lower back issues. Magic for headaches and CPTSD

$60 / 30 mins | $90 / 45 mins | $120 / 60 mins

Chair Massage Clinic Sundays at Gaia Garden! Sundays 11 am – 3 pm  at 2672 West Broadway

$30 for 15 mins | Add on additional time at $2/mins

Bookings recommended by texting or phoning 604-729-4705

Pre-Natal & Post-Natal Massage

Would you like support as your body expands for birth? Indigo Lotus Thai Massage can help to prepare you, especially if you plan to have a natural birth.

Post-natal massage with you and baby. In a cozy, comfortable, private environment, massage is performed on a comfortable 4-inch mat on the floor. Can alternate from mat to sofa chair to continue treatment when the baby needs feeding or burping.

Sessions are in East Vancouver, a three-minute drive from Trout Lake.

Chair  Massage Mat /Table Fusion

Book a 90 minute or 2 hr session and we can customize a session to be interchanged between Chair Massage and Full Body floor or table work. May include Abdominal Massage.

Mobile Chair Massage

Want to incorporate a wellness day or special occasion for staff and colleagues at the office? Chair massage is a great way to refresh your mind and energy. Increase smiles and productivity in the work space.

Request Chair Massage for a special event!
2 hour minimum bookings.
Treatments scheduling to be in minimum 10 minute increments or more.

2 hours minimum $240. Additional/hourly rate $120. This rate is for the Vancouver area. Depending on travel time, the rate may be increased.



Free from anxiety

"Suffering from Anxiety that often wakes me up in the middle of the night for the last 3 yrs, I was put on medication that made me tired and lifeless. After starting Massage with Ruby, I have been able to ween off my medication and am free from anxiety. The relaxation I get from the massage and sense of well-being is like no other massage I have ever had. I have had excessively tight shoulders and back coupled with headaches and bad posture for as long as I can remember. My shoulders are now relaxed, I no longer experience headaches and my posture is gradually improving. I have actually told Ruby I love her for the relief she has given me. It's so absolutely amazing."
~ Erika B. ~

Unmatched Ability

"From my very first session with Ruby, I knew I had discovered something extraordinary. Ruby is a true healer whose expertise in many different modalities allows her to truly tailor her approach as needed. You'll feel immediate improvements after just one session, but her focus on progressive treatments and figuring out the root cause of an issue is why I keep going back. Her unmatched ability to identify and work through layers of pain has brought me significant improvements in posture, mobility, and a noticeable reduction in pain and inflammation. Her warm, personable nature creates a healing space that is comforting, where her focus is entirely on your well-being. I highly recommend Ruby to anyone seeking meaningful and lasting relief from chronic pain, or to those looking to improve their overall health.'
~ Elizabeth R ~

Smooth home birth

"During my pregnancy, I visited Ruby often, which helped alleviate any pains I was experiencing at the time. Her work also loosened my hips and allowed them to open. My home birth was so smooth and fast, and I really believe this was from Ruby's work. My daughter is now two months old, and I love that I can bring her with me for treatments. The Thai mat allows me to nurse her on my side while getting my treatment or she has a comfortable chair for me to hold her while she works on my neck and shoulders."
~ Erika M. ~

What your body needs

"My experience with Ruby is always outstanding! She is such an intuitive practitioner and uses just the right amount of pressure to effectively release stagnation yet also make the experience relaxing, comfortable and fun! Ruby is patient and skillful and tailors the treatments to what your body really needs. I always feel more relaxed and rejuvenated after her sessions!"
~ Adrienne ~

Completely wow'd

"I left completely wow'd after my 1st experience, as I had never had anything like Ruby's treatment. After my 2nd session, I noticed an improvement in my diaphragmatic breathing. She said there was a lot of tightness around my rib cage. A few days later I still feel relief, but I look forward to more sessions to release it further as I always find it difficult to breathe deeply and even yoga hasn't helped that. Working on the Fascia and Acupuncture Meridians seems to create a deep detoxifying response in me as well. As a Lymphatic Drainage Massage Practitioner who also integrates Eastern medicine techniques, I appreciate her even more so. I have no hesitation in recommending Ruby if you have any pain issues and want to work at the deeper level with fascia and Eastern healing techniques"
~ Donna S. ~

Specialised Healer

"After a year of suffering with a troubled shoulder, I was extremely fortunate to find Ruby. Not only has she facilitated the expansion of my own consciousness the way no other practitioner could, I aIso now recognise the significance of the fascial system and how my challenge was related to soft tissue blockages and past trauma. I will continue to see her, for she skillfully identifies and releases blockages throughout my body. I'm feeling better than ever and am extremely grateful for this very specialised healer.."
~ Rob M. ~


Coming home to Parasympathetic

The revolutionary science of Epi-genetics has been discovering that genetic determinism is misleading and in fact our genes are dependant on external and internal environments that determine how it will express itself. In other words, yes we may have a disposition for a particular disease or condition, but whether or not it comes to manifest depends on factors above and beyond(epi) our genetics. Examples of this would be our food intake, our stress levels, environmental conditions, and internal conditions pertaining to emotions and psychology.

In our excessively ‘yang’ minded society, we are driven to constantly be on the go, achieve, acquire and compete to survive. This has put us predominately in our Sympathetic Nervous system (yang) which is designed for ‘fight or flight’ when we are threatened by a stressor. The truth is, we are not constantly ‘being chased by a Saber-toothed Tiger,’ as Ph.D. Dr.Bruce Lipton, Cell Biologist at the helm of Epi-genetics would say.

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Resurrection of Ancient Science

My fascination as a bodywork student has been with Connective Tissue and Fascia, along with Traditional Chinese Meridian Science. Coincidentally, a Japanese scientist Dr. Motoyama has discovered that the two concepts run in tandem. TCM meridian lines seem to overlap the lines of the Connective Tissue and fascia. Essentially CT & Fascia may be the physical system and partner of the energy meridians. This is called the Modern Meridian Theory. Although Connective Tissue and Fascia has been known since the dawn of science, research is reportedly being done over recent decades. My experience of witnessing and feeling how the body & mind can change and heal by opening up space in the tissues, thus opening up energy pathways, is a testament of validity to this research. Working with these two systems can achieve powerful results for rehabilitating the bodymind. Leonardo Da Vinci out of thousands that he did over his lifetime.

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Our Crystalline Body-Raise your vibration!

‘We are the technology we’ve been waiting for.’ Ruby inspired by the Hopi Elders Did you know that we have a system in our body that is crystal? Crystals transmit and conduct energy, and that’s why they have been used in our modern day societies ever since the dawn of radio and television. This technology is used to enable us to tune into multiple channels by changing to a different frequency that is emitted through a crystal. Our Connective Tissue and fascia is liquid crystalline as it carries fluids, and this is the physical structure whereby we conduct and transmit energy. All of our experiences are recorded in the body via this matrix like a computer chip. It is one big continuous network that connects all the other systems to aid communication with each other. Connective Tissue includes ligaments and tendons, and is what holds us up in structure, gives muscle shape and ability to contract. What happens when we experience trauma whether it be physical, mental or emotional, is the involuntary contraction of this system in particular areas. After all, the body is it’s own innate intelligence! When physical trauma incurs, it is the musculoskeletal tissues that primarily gets contracted. When mental trauma occurs it can contract the spinal ligaments and tissues affecting the nervous system. Emotional trauma tends to contract the membrane Connective Tissue surrounding the organs.

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True Alchemy: Heaviness to Light

The choice is always present to believe in yourself that you can be the designer of your own life, the captain of your own ship. Greatness is achieved through adversity. To become curious about your possibilities and be your own experiment to see what could be your highest potential. After all, we are imbued with more than 70% of ‘junk’ DNA laying dormant waiting to be activated and approximately the same percentage of the brain waiting to be discovered. The sooner you become your own ally, the sooner the eternal now will be a much more enjoyable, evolutionary ride.

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Ruby Ahn

Ruby Ahn

Traditional Thai Massage Therapist
International Certification                  Liability Insured

Traditional Thai Massage Therapist
Internationally Certified 

Since overcoming personal struggles with Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and Depression, a passion has been ignited in me to study the bodymind connection and it’s ability to reorganise and heal. I have always sought help for my musculoskeletal pains sustained from multiple different injuries from my teenage years to young adult life. I have always had social anxiety and depressive tendencies, but the physical pain was so dominant and so I rejected the idea of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds, being aware of their undesired long-term effects. I went on to receive many kinds of alternative therapies and treatments over the years when eventually I gave in to anti-depressants, overwhelmed with pain and hopelessness.

After discovering Yin Yoga 3 months later I stopped taking them. A regular practice of Yin Yoga not only relieved my pain substantially, but also calmed my nervous system and my mind. I had to know what was happening in my body that was facilitating such remarkable change. Change not only in the structure of my body but also resulting in more mental clarity and emotional stability. That is when I learned of the Fascia and Connective Tissue. I realised that this highly underrated, amazing system is what was making this transformation possible as I experienced, studied and researched it. I am dedicated to continuously learning about all the latest scientific studies as a member of the Fascia Research Society.

I studied Anatomy and Physiology at Langara in 2012 and by March 2013 I completed a 200 hr. Hatha/Yin Yoga teacher training in Bali. Studying Bodymind Acupressure also that year, I have since completed 2 modules and facial Acupressure. In late 2014 I signed my first contract as a Practitioner for Chair Massage out of Greater Vancouver area casinos. I started a private practice in 2016, doing table massage and chair massage at various rental locations. I’ve been Certified in Shiatsu from the former School of Bodywork and Massage in 2016 and now hold an International Certificate for Traditional Thai Massage Professional level from The School of Watpo Chetawan in Thailand obtained in 2018. I am humbled and honored to have trained with native experts and witnessed firsthand the true power of this ancient form of massage. I am also grateful to all the amazingly talented Yin Yoga teachers in Vancouver that helped facilitate me on my personal healing journey.

I consider myself a yogi & intuitive first and foremost, and a lifelong student of Tao from a gnostic perspective. My passion is to share what I have learned, to be a witness and facilitate accelerated healing and transformation in others as I continue to work towards my highest potential too. I also love dogs, music, and reading. :)💖

Come work with me!



Post Natal Massage with baby near Nanaimo Skytrain Station/Trout Lake in private home studio.

Location and mobile option determined at time of consultation.                         

Send a message to Ruby Ahn


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